In 2018, Egypt embarked on a major reform to build a new education system, “Education 2.0.”
في عام 2018، بدأت مصر إصلاحًا كبيرًا لبناء نظام تعليمي جديد، التعليم 2.0
THE EDU 2.0 PROJECT documents the first six years of a major education reform in Egypt that began in 2018 with plans to be fully implemented by 2030 in line with Egypt Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goal #4 (SDG4).
يوثق المشروع السنوات الست الأولى من الإصلاح الطموح للتعليم في مصر والذي بدأ في عام 2018 مع خطط سيتم تنفيذها بالكامل بحلول عام 2030 بما يتماشى مع رؤية مصر 2030 وهدف التنمية المستدامة رقم 4
The reforms “seek to replace the country’s traditional culture of rote, exam-driven memorization with one that promotes student-centred teaching and competency-based learning for life, alongside mastery of technology” for the twenty-first century. (Education Sector Plan for Egypt 2023, P. 73).
Photo by UNICEF
لمن هذا الموقع؟
This website caters to students, researchers, educators, and international education development professionals. It provides resources in English and Arabic on the ongoing reform. To learn more about the project, see ABOUT.
هذا الموقع مخصص للطلاب والباحثين والمعلمين والمتخصصين في تطوير التعليم الدولي. ويقدم موارد باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية حول الإصلاح الجاري. لمعرفة المزيد عن المشروع، راجع حول
Oral History of EDU 2.0 Interview Highlights
مقاطع فيديو لمقابلات التاريخ الشفهي
Textbooks & Teacher’s Guides (KG-Grade 6)
الكتب المدرسية وأدلة المعلم
Policy Documents and Videos
وثائق السياسة
Curriculum Frameworks
أطر المناهج
Gallery of EDU 2.0 Photos
An over-crowded classroom. Al-Masry al-Youm (2017)
The education sector reforms are taking place within a context of a vast and growing school population of over 25 million K-12 students. Overcrowding, teacher shortages, and struggles over resources and political direction are compounded by a pervasive unregulated private lesson market (a shadow education system) with its own economy and system of rewards. Recent data show that ”only 19% of grade 4 students demonstrate foundational reading skills and 29% for math.” Despite many policy interventions, problems of inclusion and quality persist. The challenges to ‘transform’ the education system are tremendous and require ongoing research, imagination, bold interventions, long-term commitment, resources, and the collective efforts of all stakeholders.